Call Centre Solutions

At the request of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL), CNS developed a new, comprehensive call center solutions for their facilities. The BTCL is the leading telecommunications company in Bangladesh and operates the national landline network and cellular telephone system. Therefore, the efficiency of the BTCL's call centers is an issue of national importance. To achieve this, CNS created a system that incorporated several intelligent software and hardware solutions. Software engineers established E1 connectivity, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and Wide Area Networks (WAN) across all the BTCL's divisional offices. To supplement these software technologies, CNS installed workstations and servers to support the new networks. The call center management solutions operate using Oracle 11G technology implemented on n-Tier architecture to ensure Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) and high availability throughout the network. CNS' innovative call center solutions have enhanced the availability, security, and efficiency of the BTCL's internal networks across the entirety of Bangladesh.